Tag Archive | pool

A Splashing Good Time


My pool in my backyard is awesome in 1,000,000 different ways. It has a deep end (which I could drown in) and the shallow end (which is easy to touch the ground with my hands when I bob down), so I spend most of my time in the shallow end and always watched over by my mom or dad.

IMG_7581When it is hot and steamy, I like to canon-ball into the cool water; it is a good way to feel better. It is lots of fun canon-balling in and splashing everybody. We have a game where whoever makes the biggest splash wins, of course, my dad always wins!

I love when my whole family comes over to play in the pool.  In this photo my mom and Tia Eliana are playing with us doing a conga dance line.  It is so much fun to bounce around and swim together! IMG_0699

My dad bought me a big bed floaty and a nice beach ball for the pool.  I float on the floaty and feel very relaxed until my brother sprays me with the hose or tips me over.  Then my floaty becomes a shield to protect me from my attacking brother.  Errrr.  My brother likes to throw the ball at me, but I prefer to annoy him and sit on it, which helps me float too.  When we play pass, I will throw it back to him five times and then sit on it. I love to drive him crazy!

One time my brother, Luca, was standing at the edge of the pool in his swimming trunks and I pushed him in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA!!!!!!!! I know we’re not supposed to push by the pool, but I loved that joke!

I have plenty of  adventures in my big awesome pool. 🙂 🙂 :). Hee Hee Hee!

