Tag Archive | butterflies

Two Fluttering Pretties

Playing inside on a game,

Suddenly, I heard my dad calling my name.            IMG_7668

“Look,” he said, “two gleaming butterflies.”

I could not believe my ears or eyes!

I was so excited, I was crawling out of my skin

As I spotted two fluttering butterflies dancing in the wind.


They looked like no other butterfly.

That moment I thought butterflies where suddenly modified!

These two were large, yellow and black,

With a small extra tail poking out of their wings at the back.   IMG_7659

One looked like me and the other looked like my brother!

One working hard (my brother) and one disturbing the other! (me)


I’m happy this sight was seen by me!

I think it was meant to be.

It made me realize the beauty of my garden,

How special to see them eating and darting.

This has never happened before!  Wow you might say!     IMG_7666

Something sure special happened today 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :).


They sucked nectar from a bush of white flowers.

Down their little bodies the nectar was devoured.

They  would rest on green leaves

Full of all that nectar, what thieves!

One eating more than the other,

One eating less, preferring to be a bother.  IMG_7663


They danced in the sky so very high,

Then fluttered in circles, then into dives!

Then they did the jiggy-doe dance moves!

As they would gather all of their food.

I felt SO lucky to see such dancing,

Drinking, resting and prancing!


I wish I could fly like those beautiful butterflies

Tulia the butterfly bothering Luca the butterfly, who is thinking "errrr"!

Tulia the butterfly bothering Luca the butterfly, who is thinking “errrr”!

And drink the tasty, yellow nectar every flower hides.

I wish I could dance like those beautiful butterflies,

And dance the fluttery, happy moves into the bright blue skies.

Oh, how I wish I was a pretty little butterfly!

I think I’ll flit about following my brother and try!


Things I learned today about writing a poem:

1) I like how each line has a capital.

2) I like how I learned about rhyme scheme (AA, BB, CC, …)

3) I learned that I need to think hard to make my poem rhyme perfectly. 🙂 🙂

4)  I learned that descriptive words helped me along the way to make a good poem that made me feel proud.

5) I learned how to organize my poem into stanzas, which are like paragraphs.  Each of my stanzas needed to make sense.

6) I learned that each line can be finished in the next line, or later lines.  My mom called it enjambment.  But I could still start my sentences with a capital.

7) I feel that poem writing is more effort than a story, but I feel more proud at the end.  So, if you want to be proud of yourself too, write a poem!